
General Conditions for posting of workers according to Bulgarian and European law

October 2016, APIS, Sofia

Social security and applicable social security law in the field of posting and employment in other EU-member states

August 2016, APIS, Sofia

Current regulation of the jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters (Regulation 1215/2012)

August 2016, APIS, Sofia

Social security regulations for short-term posting of workers in other EU-member states. Conditions

August 2016, APIS, Sofia

Gesellschaftsrechtliche Nebenvereinbarungen (Contractual Agreements Between Shareholders), Part Bulgaria

edited by S. Laimer and Chr. Perathoner, sellier european law publishers, Germany, Co-authorship

Numerous monthly publications in Bulgarisches Wirtschaftsblatt 2004 - 2013

August 2016, APIS, Sofia

Bulgaria – Stable level of investment

PV Magazine, 9/2012, Deutschland

- NK-BGB, Band 3: Sachenrecht (Vol. 3, Real Estate Law), “Part Bulgaria”

Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Germany, 2012, Co-authorship

General conditions for investment and doing business in Bulgaria

Management guide Bulgaria, The Economy and Culture Series,Vol.10 Bulgaria, Frankfurt am Main, 2008, Mitautorenschaft

Immovable property in Europe ("Immobilien in Europa")

Ausländischer Anwaltsverein Deutschland e.V., Germany

Reform of the public procurement law

Newsletter by DBIHK Sofia, July 2006

Economic aspects of the harmonisation of the Bulgarian legislation with the law of the European Union

Bulgaria and the world economy – University publishing house „Stopanstvo“, Sofia 2004

The freedom of movement of persons and services in Bulgaria

Magazine for foreigners law and foreigners policy/ Zeitschrift für Auslandsrecht und Ausländerpolitik - ZAR/, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft – Germany